Jian Shi

Professional Profile

My overarching research goal is to understand and develop novel bioprocesses and models to produce biofuels, bioproducts, and renewable materials by exploring the interface between chemistry, engineering and system biology.  We have grown several specific research areas including

  • data-driven solvent innovation and enzyme engineering for renewable, circular, and low-carbon chemicals and materials
  • biomass feedstock logistics and modeling
  • nanotechnology and fermentation development for food and agriculture applications.


Affiliated Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering

Associate Professor, University of Kentucky. Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. July 2021 - present

Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky. Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Lexington, KY: July 2015 to June 2021

Senior Scientist, Novozymes Biologicals Inc. Salem, VA: January 2015 to June 2015

Postdoctoral Researcher, Sandia National Laboratories/Joint BioEnergy Institute, Emeryville, CA: March 2012-January 2015

Research Interests:





Waste treatment



Ph.D., Biological Engineering (minor in Biotechnology), North Carolina State University

M.S., Food Science and Engineering, China Agricultural University, China

B.E., Material Science and Engineering and Metallurgical Engineering, Chongqing University, China

Additional Information